Resiliencia de playas a estructuras costeras (BRICS)

Categories / Experiments / Field

Resiliencia de playas a estructuras costeras (BRICS)

Principal Investigator: Dra. Gabriela Medellín
Dr. Alec Torres Freyermuth


A series of field experiment have been conducted over the past two years to investigate the impact of coastal structures on beach morphology during intense sea breeze conditions. Waves, tides, winds and currents were measured during the field experiment. Four different experiments were conducted for: (1) impermeable groin (Winter and Spring 2015), (2) permeable groin (Spring 2016), and (3) a detached breakwater (Spring 2016). In all cases the structures were deployed during 24 hours to assess their impact on the beach morphology. Beach surveys were conducted every other hour during 24 hours and with less resolution after the structure removal. The beach recovery was also measured.


Hofman, A., 2016. On the role of a permeable groin in beach morphodynamics during sea-breeze events. BSc Thesis, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands.

Medellín G., Torres Freyermuth, A., López, J.,  Tereszkiewicz, P., Ojeda, E., López, E., y Mendoza, E.T., 2015. Dinámica costera en una playa micro-mareal dominada por brisas marinas, parte II: Transporte de sedimento. Reunión Anual  Unión Geofísica Mexicana, A. C., Puerto Vallarta, México.

Medellín, G., Torres-Freyermuth, A., Tomasicchio, G.R., Francone, A., Tereszkiewicz, P.A., Lusito, L., Palemón-Arcos, L., and López, J., 2018. Field and numerical study of resistance and resilience on a sea breeze dominated beach in Yucatan (Mexico), Water 10, 1806,

Roca Barceló, F., 2016. Efectos de un dique exento en la morfología de una playa dominada por brisas. Tesis de Maestría, Universidad de Cantabria, Santander, España.

Torres-Freyermuth, A., Hofman, A., Tuz-Pech, J.C., Medellín, G. & Roos, P.C. (2020). Design and performance of permeable groins on a low-energy natural beach. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8(4), 283; 

Torres-Freyermuth, A., Medellín, G., Hofman, A., Tereszkiewicz, P., Palemón-Arcos, L., and López-González, J., 2016. Beach Resilience to Coastal Structures on a Natural Beach, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, USA. 


Detached Breakwater Permeable Groin Impermeable Groin

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