Runup on Fringing Reefs

Categories / Experiments / Laboratory

Runup on Fringing Reefs

Principal Investigator: Dr. Alec Torres Freyermuth


Fringing reefs provide natural protection against flooding of coastal areas. However, existing runup parameterizations do not incorporated the reef geometry into the formulations. Therefore, an integrated study of wave runup on fringing reefs is conducted using both physical and numerical modelling. Laboratory experiments were conducted in a wave flume facility in order to investigate wave transformation over two idealized reef geometries. A 1:64 physical model was built using plywood sheets for the case of crested and non-crested reef porfile. Free-surface elevation and runup distance were measured for different irregular wave conditions at h=53 cm. 


Gómez Pérez, B. (2016) Estudio de run-up en sistemas de arrecifes, Tesina de Máster Oficial en Ingeniería de Costas y Puertos, Universidad de Cantabria.


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